If someone was to put a microphone in my house you would hear giggling, laughing and running feet. Today is special. Its not just another Tuesday morning here in the Ross house.
It’s a Snow Day!
Normally I would kick the kids outside to run and frolick in the snow but considering Oklahoma is currently being bombarded by blizzard conditions and freezing temperatures we’re spending the day indoors relaxing.
Or rather, I am trying to relax and the kids are stuck in the house acting crazier than a march hare (a saying compliments of my mom).
So, today this Mama plans on catching up on writing recipes for my cookbook, doing a little knitting and perling and then spend some quality time lounging around with my kitty, Bella.
I also plan on making very good use of the best Christmas gift I received this year. I adore my new Cuisinart Coffee Maker. The pods are a dream and I was able to make 4 cups of hot cocoa lickety-split! I have to admit I was skeptical of another coffee maker because I had both a Keurig and a Tassimo and both sounded like a chainsaw was running in my kitchen every time I made a cup of coffee. Trust me, that is NOT a good thing when I get up for quiet time at 6:00 am! Thankfully, the Cuisinart is a dream. Quiet. Makes a great cup of coffee. Easy to use and practically cleans itself..
I know you wondering if I am getting paid to say this but I’m not. This is simply one Mama giving a free shout out to other moms about something I love.
And trust me, I really love my coffee maker.
Eeeks. We are snowed in again! It has been so crazy in MA. Your day sounds great. Unfortunately at this point my children are so sick of snow days they are going so crazy. This winter may be my downfall.
We just got the Keurig this Christmas and so far we love it. My son loves making Hot Chocolate with it.
Hey, another Karen… but with a "C" like me… although you are even more unique with your "y"! LOL
My kids love hot chocolate. They can't seem to get enough.
Stopped by from SITS!
-Caren with a "C"
Hey Caryn! Stay safe and warm over there; I heard Oklahoma was getting a winter beating! I'll have to look into that coffee maker. My friend has the keurig and while I love the individual cups, you are so right about loud it is. I'd wake the entire house for a single cup of coffee!
Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog today and the tweet-out! Love my SITS girls! 🙂
I'm in Wyoming and we didn't get snow but we did get negative degree temps. Was not fun. I drank a lot of hot chocolate.
I so wish I was back home in the States for days like these. How I miss the Boston snow. Being an expat is tough, but hearing about your wonderful snow days makes it better. Dropping by from SITS.
I love snow days! Sadly we only had two this year. I really, really love my coffee maker, too 🙂 It's not very fancy, but it does the trick!
Seems like everybody is getting snow, but us in Western Canada. Right about now I would love to enjoy some snow fro few days. I don't remember when was the last time we had absolutely no snow during winter.
I was looking to get Tassimo, but I think I'll check out the Cuisinart.
Stopping by from SITs. Have an awesome weekend.Stay warm.