Now you have the kids dressed, people showing up to trick or treat and now you think…Dinner? Here is what my crew has every Halloween! Chili bar and Green Chili Cornbread! This is super simple and most likely you have most of the stuff in the house to make. Best part is that it makes […]
No Tricks Just Treats!
As a kid I loved Halloween! I counted down the days till I could wear my costume to school every year. Now that I am a Mom, I look forward to making treats for my kids to share at school parties, doorstep boo-ings and just to have around the house! So, I am super excited […]
Time for Girlfriends
It is crazy busy right now and boy could I use a lunch with my girlfriends! I love when we all come together to laugh, counsel and sometimes just to be. Those lunches tend to give me energy and power to get back to life. Tackle those crazy obstacles. All knowing that it is not […]
Pink Power Party
Did you know?? 39,520 women are expected to die from breast cancer in the U.S. during 2011 Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women (after lung cancer) In the United States, a women is diagnosed with breast cancer, on average, every 2.5 minutes Over 75% of women diagnosed with breast […]
Kitchen Must!
I am a strong believer that kitchen gadgets are great but there are some that just are timeless and stand alone. I can still remember the Christmas when my Grandma and Mom got theirs. They squealed and screamed while dancing around the Christmas tree. I was a kid so I was wondering what was all […]