Kids either love veggies or it is a battle to get them to consume any at all. Luckily my kids love veggies so they are pretty open to anything. But let me tell you I have tricked many of their friends through the years with some of my sneaky veggie recipes. This week while I […]
Summertime Dinner Made Easy
Just because school is out, the kids are playing ball and you are sunburned does not mean you cannot make a great meal. Here is my recipe for just about one of the best pulled pork sandwiches I make first thing in the am and then leave the work to the slow cooker. That is […]
Thunder Up in the Kitchen!
If you know anything at all about me then you know that I am passionate about my kids sports. Not a huge fan of anything higher than that in the sporting world….That was until the Thunder came to town. I took my son to a game a couple of years ago and they convinced this […]
A Fishy Situation!
Are are a fish lover? Well there are 2 types of eaters. Fishy ones and others who do not like fish. Luckily, I have had the opportunity to live part time by the sea where I get the best of the best in what the sea has to offer. However, when this mermaid mama comes […]
Bold Fresh Flavors
Every Mother’s Day for the past 3 years my husband and the kids have made me a feast. They find the recipes, make the grocery list, shop, cook, serve and clean up. It has been so much fun to see how far they have all come in their cooking skills and flavor palates. This year […]