Hello my friends!! Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending the day with my super neighbors swimming, eating and playing laser tag. Now that was a full day! The best part is that she brought out this amazing frozen delight in a spring form pan. All I can say is that it was unbelievable! […]
Summer nights
In the car driving home to the boat after a fun evening at the Marlins game. Have to say that we had a great time! Jack got us tickets directly behind the dugout and it was like being in the game. Jack and Caytie were thrown balls from the players coming off the field and […]
The End of a Phase
This mom is worn out!! This week is Jack and Caytie’s last week of school. I am blessed that my kids attend the best grade school around…Truman Elementary. It always makes me a little bit sad this week. It is the end of a phase. For Caytie, this was the year that her inner creative […]
Peaches and Cream Coffee Cake
Good morning everyone!! Well it is here…The last week of school. So as a celebration I made a Peaches and Cream coffee cake. As I sit here watching GMA and drinking a warm cup of coffee I can’t wait to dig into this super yummy creamy moist pecan crumbled peachy coffee cake. I want you […]
Oh to be 18…..
This weekend I have been lucky enough to be included in one families graduation celebration for their son. You see, B (trying to be a little bit anonymous) has been a part of our family for about 2 years. It started out as his parents were friends with Jack and I but now he has […]