In life we are all inspired by someone or something. If you are inspired you desire to be like that person or to exemplify the qualities you find desirable. I have to say that I am inspired by my sister, Sunday. You see we are all given some type of challenge in this life., My sister overcame her family upbringing to be a bright and thriving woman. She consistently brings light to a life that most of us would sit in a corner and wonder “what the heck.”
You see, Sunday is the mother of 2 young boys with autism. My nephews, Sam and Noah, could not be more different in their autism. Sam likes noise and must have noisy stimulation while Noah requires silence and a more passive environment. If you are a Mom, you must be thinking how is this possible? How could a household survive these challenges? Surely she must have “help.” Well, she does survive and no she does not have “help.”
Sunday’s way of coping has become her blog. It is called Adventures in Extreme Parenthood. ( I love her honest insight into her life. She writes about not only the struggles of parenting 2 children but her life as a woman. She is funny yet brutally honest on what is going on in her world. Just have to give it up to her…I try to blog but she is really working it. She recently attended the “Bloggy Boot Camp.” This is a group of women who taught a weekend long conference about how to really do a blog! How to market, design and write. What is even more exciting is the New York Times did a story on the boot camp and Sunday’s picture (as seen above) was in the story!! Go check it out at: .Way to go Sunday! Blog on!