My kids left for school today with bright big smiles and the words “this is going to be the best day of the year!” Today is Super Happy Fun Kids Day at Truman Elementary. In regular terms that is also known as field day to us older ones. Since Jackson is in 5th grade he gets to “run” the activities and Caytie gets to enjoy. We have quite a spectrum of activities available. Not like the old days where the uncoordinated kids got picked for tug of war instead of the relay race. Truman likes not to leave any child behind. We have rubber chicken toss, limbo, sock wars (a take on wrestling), lemon twists, sack races, medicine ball throw, ring toss….you name it and we probably have it. Kids run all over the place playing games and enjoying the pretty weather.
May is for Memories
As I was there this morning I thought what a shame that this stops in elementary school. I wish that this continued to at least high school. It might even should continue for life. Tell me who would not like to fling a rubber chicken or do a sack race again. This girl sure would love it!!! So tomorrow if you are in the garage and the kids are itching for something to do….start up your own race. I think I might just do this!!! Neighbors will love this…..There goes the crazy Ross family.
A rubber chicken toss? That sounds AWESOME! Why didn't they have cool stuff like that when we were in elementary school?