For the past couple of summers I have been canning crazy! I grew up as a kid going to my Grandma’s in the summer and watching her can pickles, jams and jellies. There was nothing like spending the afternoon standing next to her in the kitchen watching her little silver knife carefully slicing all of the produce. Grandma’s passion to can is what has driven me to pass it along to my kids. So, this spring we will be shopping at Farmer’s Market getting our fresh produce and be making a bounty of canned goodness!
I would like to tell you all about a great opportunity! A fellow canning queen, Kelli Davidson, has written an Ebook, Nano-Canning, outlining how to be successful at canning from any altitude! She does an excellent job explaining how to start canning with 100% success. I wish I had this book earlier because boy did I have some failed jams. So, those “jams” are now strawberry sauces! Go download your FREE E-book now! It is free all day today! Once you read it let me know how your canning experience went! I would love to see some pictures!
I simply cannot than you enough. I hope you got your copy because I love to talk with fellow canners about canning! You helped me to give away 800 eBooks yesterday. I’m taking off early this week because I want to see your segment on channel 9 about canning. I’m having a dickens of a time with my final nano-canning recipe for my 2nd eBook about specialty jams. Maybe one of your tips will clue me in to what I am doing wrong!
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Kelli