It is always bittersweet to think that we are leaving the relaxed days of summer and rolling into the brisk days of fall. When I get to looking back I can’t help but reflect on my summer. Every summer I always feel such anxiety when I bake or cook in my oven. You see, I was raised NEVER to turn on the oven in the summer. Well, for a baker like me that is like a death sentence. So, now that I am the boss of own house I bake. But I do it being mindful of OG&E’s SmartHours.
At the beginning of the summer I found myself following some of what those commercials were saying about “running the household appliances.” According to the OG&E SmartHours, it is really simple to save money on the electric bill. Between 2 and 7pm DO NOT USE the big household appliances. That means: the washer, dryer, dishwasher, oven, microwave, etc! Save that for early in the am or in the evening. Believe it or not….it works. So instead of 3 o’clock chocolate chip cookies. Now I just bake them in the morning!
I have not signed up for the full program yet. But I am interested! Please let me know what you think about the SmartHours program? Have you seen big savings? How did you do it?
**Compensation for this post was provided by OG&E. Opinions expressed here are my own good, bad or ugly.
It’s hard to measure in actual usage as this summer was so much milder than last summer, but we saw a significant decrease. And since I still work primarily at my home office, I was very pleased!