Well, I have done it again! That is all I can say…
Yesterday while getting my mani/pedi I decide to see if they can do a lip/brow too? They said sure and I followed the sweet lady back and proceeded to be “waxed”. Everything was going as planned untill she said sweetly to me, “do you want your sideburns done?” For a split second I had a true mental dilemma.
My mind was flooded with questions…”OMG, do I have side burns? Have I all of a sudden turned into Sasquatch? Why has my facial lady in Oklahoma never mentioned this to me? Is this a new thing not to have facial hair? Am I going to breakout right before my cooking video shoot? Does everyone wax this part???”
So, after quickly processing these thoughts, I said go ahead. I left feeling pretty sure I was in the hands of a woman who knew what she was talking about….
Well, today I now the notice lower 1/3 of my face has no hair and the upper 2/3 has my normal peach fuzz exterior!!!! What the heck??
Now my regular makeup is looking a little silly and maybe I am over thinking this whole thing but the point here is this… Ladies, do NOT listen to other people when it comes to your face!!! Be at peace with what got you this far and don’t ever doubt yourself!
So, now this sassy mama is headed to Savannah with a 1/3 smooth and 2/3 fuzzy face and I am determined to make the best of it!
If memory serves you got talked into waxing half of your face once before right after mom died and us girls all went to the spa and had manicures, pedicures, and eyebrow waxes.
Except you got talked into waxing off your peach fuzz then too.
I'm thinking that at times of stress you should steer clear of all spa treatments just to be on the safe side!
At least until after the stressful event is over.